An artist on the Monogatari manga isn’t as scared of A.I. as many others in the manga world.
Artificial intelligence is an issue that isn’t going away any time soon, and as technology continues to grow, the problem might be growing worse for many artists, in the manga field or otherwise. In a recent interview, Monogatari artist Ogure Atsushi discussed the current and upcoming issues that the technology might have for the creative field. Celebrating decades in the medium, Atsushi doesn’t appear as fearful of A.I. as many other artists that are helping to bring the manga world to life.
In the interview with outlet Gendai Media, Ogure stated that the expressions of the individual artists will persevere, “Recently, AI has started to make inroads into the manga industry. I’d like to say, “Bring it on, come on!”, but if we were to compete technically, there’s no way we could compete. But I don’t think that people who are good at drawing are the ones who sell, either now or in the past. People who are good at drawing only look good at drawing, but I think their greatest talent is “expressing their individuality.”
The artist continues, “They have the individuality of being “good at drawing” and are excellent at expressing that individuality. Conversely, there are many people who are good at drawing but are still successful. So I think it’s not just about drawing, but also about being good at expressing your own individuality. In an age where AI has emerged and technology has become meaningless, I think that someone who has their own individuality and the ability to express their own unique image is truly “good at drawing.”

What is Monogatari?
If you need a breakdown of Monogatari, the various seasons of the franchise are available to stream on Crunchyroll and Hulu. Here’s an official description of the light novel series that started it all, “There’s a girl at their school who is always ill. She routinely arrives late, leaves early, or doesn’t show up at all, and skips gym as a matter of course. She’s pretty, and the boys take to whispering that she’s a cloistered princess. As the self-described worst loser in her class soon finds out, they just don’t know what a monster she is. So begins a tale of mysterious maladies that are supernatural in origin yet deeply revealing of the human psyche, a set of case files as given to unexpected feeling as it is to irreverent humor. So begins the legendary novel that kicked off the MONOGATARI series, whose anime adaptations have enjoyed international popularity and critical acclaim.”
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