Neil Cowley, a pianist who played part of the music for Adele’s hit single Rolling in the Deep, will be performing in Brampton.
He and his band the Neil Cowley trio will be playing at Live at Union Lane in Brampton on February 23.
He made a huge splash with his trio between ’06 and ’16 spearheading the UK’s ‘post jazz’ movement.
Neil paused the trio to pursue a solo, electronic path. After seven years of making music on his own, he reunited the trio and recorded a new album, Entity.
Mr Cowley said: “I missed the human connection so much on stage during my live solo shows.
“There’s actually nothing worse than sitting in a dressing room on your own before a show… other than sitting in a dressing room on your own after a show.
“You want to look in someone’s eyes and know that they’ve just felt what you’ve just felt. I’m always guaranteed that feeling with Rex and Evan.”