UN-Habitat’s “Inclusive Communities, Thriving Cities” Programme invites professional and emerging artists worldwide to participate in a digital art competition on the theme “My Urban Vision”. The participants are invited to use their creativity to inspire change, leveraging their voices and vision for an inclusive and sustainable urban future.
Participation is free of charge and the submission deadline is 31 July 2024.
Under the theme of ‘My Urban Vision’, the competition invites artists to submit digitally created artwork that reflect their vision for an inclusive and sustainable urban future.
The participant must choose one of the categories for the competition:
Inclusive and sustainable communities: Demonstrate vibrant urban space where diversity is celebrated, illustrating green spaces, social cohesion and the right to the city. The artwork should express social, environmental, cultural and economic aspects of an inclusive and sustainable community.
Climate resilience in urban areas: Demonstrate how nature-based solutions can enhance cities’ ability to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects. The artwork should express social, environmental, cultural and economic benefits of climate resilient cities.
Adequate housing and services for all: Demonstrate how affordable adequate housing and services can promote neighbourhood diversity, social mix, vibrancy, sense of community and belonging. The artwork should express social, environmental, cultural and economic benefits of a well served neighbourhood with diverse housing types.
Participants are encouraged to express their creativity using various illustration formats such as digital drawing or painting, vector graphics, infographics, typography or lettering designs, 3D modelling, artificial intelligence, rendering, digital photo manipulation and others.
Selected artwork will be featured in future publications by UN-Habitat’s Inclusive Communities Thriving Cities.
Authors of selected artworks will receive a digital recognition certificate from the organiser partners.
One winner of each category of the competition will receive an Award digital certificate from the organiser partners and will be featured in media articles.
The artwork should be in PNG or TIFF and suitable for printing to ensure quality for reports and other documents. The file format should be A3 (portrait or landscape) and sent in 300 DPI resolution.
Participants should submit the file of the artwork through the online Application Form, responding to all the questions. It is required to add a description of the artwork explaining how it is related to the theme of the competition and to the category chosen.
Further details and instructions on how to participate and submit your artwork can be found in the Concept Note and Participation Guide.
Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1mFR_M0d1H9p1MM7pai0t5NFTKZqrJQN0
Download the information related to this competition here.
This competition was submitted by an ArchDaily user. If you’d like to submit a competition, call for submissions or other architectural ‘opportunity’ please use our “Submit a Competition” form. The views expressed in announcements submitted by ArchDaily users do not necessarily reflect the views of ArchDaily.