CHENNAI: Unwavering faith and artistic expression have long been sources of inspiration and solace for individuals across cultures and generations. From ancient cave paintings to modern masterpieces, art has served as a profound means of communicating beliefs, emotions, and experiences. For Monisha K, too, art has been a lifelong passion, from participating in painting competitions as a kid to conducting art workshops for students in government schools.

Since the onset of Covid-19, Monisha found herself drawn towards painting portraits, with art supplies and sheets sprawled across the floor. She began drawing portraits of celebrities, and as word spread, she started receiving orders for customised portraits. That was just the beginning of her journey, and she soon found herself crafting and working with different mediums.

It was her unyielding belief, hard work and dedication that led Monisha to achieve the world record for the ‘Youngest to make a realistic portrait of Meenakshi Amman on an A3 sheet’. Having your name etched in the International Book of Records at the age of 22 is no mean feat, and Monisha’s accomplishment stands as a testament to her exceptional talent, dedication, and commitment to her craft. Hailing from the historic city of Madurai, Monisha has always felt a strong emotional connection with the magnificent Meenakshi Amman temple. She drew inspiration from the architectural masterpiece and the annual 10-day Chithirai Thiruvizha, which marks the reenactment of the celestial wedding of Lord Sundareswarar (Shiva) and Goddess Meenakshi (Parvati). A festival of folklore, Chithirai Thiruvizha has always been a big part of Monsiha’s life. However, as her work as a fashion designer required her to be in Chennai during the festival, Monisha could not celebrate with her community back in Madurai. She figured that if she couldn’t be home during the festival, she might as well bring home to her through her art.

“I missed Madurai and Chithirai Thiruvizha dearly and wanted to show my faith through my artwork,” shares Monisha. The portrait is a reflection of her yearning, appreciation and love for her hometown.

The painting blends four carefully balanced mediums to create a masterpiece. Monisha began by using charcoal and graphite pencils, mediums she is well-acquainted with, and eventually experimented with watercolours and colour pencils to add texture and vibrance to the piece. The garland around the goddess is decked with bright hues, bringing a delicate pop of colour to the otherwise monochrome portrait. It took Monisha around 35 hours across 15 days to finish the painting, and it was her way of celebrating Chithirai Thiruvizha away from home.

However, she faced her fair share of struggles with bringing her vision to life. She shares that moments when self-doubt took over, and she was close to giving up. “At times like that, I truly believe it was through God’s grace that I could stay determined and complete the portrait,” Monisha adds.

Needless to say, this achievement will forever hold a special place in Monisha’s heart.

“I am the first member of my family to receive a world record, and while it has not been a smooth journey, it makes me happy that despite all odds, I was able to achieve this feat,” shares Monisha, emphasising the unconditional support given to her by her family and friends.

Discussing her future aspirations as an artist and designer, Monisha shares that she wishes to continue working on projects like this. “My work as an artist will never stop, and I hope to become a renowned artist one day,” she says. Monisha is open to exploring different mediums, themes, and ideas.

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