The creative responsible for the previous phone and doors on Sonning Bridge has now ‘electrified’ trees in the area.
Those walking through the church graveyard just down from The Bull will notice that several trees have electric sockets attached to them.
The mysterious installation artist told the Chronicle that this was an attempt to provide electricity to Sonning as the wealthy could share their supply.
They said: “These are just my efforts to alleviate the cost-of-living crisis for poverty-stricken Sonning residents by supplying them with unmetered electricity.
“Unfortunately, for Jimmy Page that would involve a 200-metre extension cable, but he should be able to get one reasonably cheaply on eBay.
“Luckily George Clooney already possesses a suitable extension lead so all he has to do is nip down to the river and plug in and the rest of Sonning can just use multiway adapters from there.
“I’m not asking for money or thanks, but if they would say a prayer for me at Sonning Church on Sunday I would consider the debt paid.”
The installation can be seen in the churchyard near The Bull and at the landing stage next to the bridge below the Coppa Club.