The main protagonist of Little Kitty, Big City is an adorable black cat, and just like any cat, it goes on tons of adventures and gets itself in all sorts of trouble. Cats love to walk where they’re not supposed to and leave a few pawprints behind; it’s adorable, and in Little Kitty, Big City, players will be rewarded for doing this.


Little Kitty, Big City: How to Get Photographed

Here is how players can get humans to notice them and take a picture in Little Kitty, Big City.

This guide will tell fans everything they need to know about using their paws and becoming an artist in Little Kitty, Big City; whether they want to mess with humans or unlock an achievement.

How to Become an Artist

map showing start location

One of the side quests in Little Kitty, Big City challenges players to become artists. This isn’t related to any achievement – it’s only an adorable mission that gamers can do for fun. On top of that, it also teaches them that it’s possible to use paint in creative ways as a cat.

Gamers will find a human experience artist’s block in the first area of the game, right before they crawl their way into the main part of the city. He lives in a large house by the construction zone under the bridge – next to the green goal.

little kitty big city paint mischief

To help the human and become an artist themselves, players have to walk into or swipe a bucket of paint to turn it over, step on it, and then walk over the canvas. The human won’t be upset, and they will even find it intriguing. Gamers have to continue walking over the canvas until the human reacts and becomes impressed. They will then take the canvas with them, satisfied with the work.

How to Become an Industrial Artist

To unlock the Industrial Artist achievement in Little Kitty, Big City, players must first enter the construction site.

It can be complicated to get there since there is a giant puddle blocking the road. Gamers can make their life easier by entering it after Tanuki introduces them to the fast traveling portals; when they enter the first portal, they’ll be taken to the other side; this is their chance to remove the blue box blocking the crawl space, giving them an easy way to access the site from then on.

In the middle of the site, there is an area filled with concrete, but it is still wet, which means Kitty has a great opportunity to leave its pawprints on it. To leave pawprints on the wet concrete in Little Kitty, Big City, simply jump onto it once you’ve entered the construction site.

little kitty big city

Little Kitty, Big City

May 9, 2024

Double Dagger Studio

Double Dagger Studio


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