This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Dear Diary: Another awful day!! I have a new zit, I gained two more pounds, and Brad, that cute guy in my English class, just laughed when I asked him to the dance.

So tonight, I’m going to cuddle up with my stuffed animals, eat Twinkies, cry and listen to the new soundtrack to the TV show Felicity. It’s the perfect album for my mood — it’s got sad songs from Sarah McLachlan, Kate Bush, Heather Nova, Ivy and even some old lady named Aretha Franklin (I think she’s on here ’cause she was in that Pepsi commercial). The only thing Felicity needs to be, like, the coolest album ever is some cute boy bands. But then, that would just remind me of Brad. Sigh.


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