Black History Month South are looking for artists to design an image for a large scale printed mural which will be displayed on St Marys Fire station, Southampton.

Artists are being sought to design a mural that celebrates the Windrush Generation. The present printed vinyl mural located on the front wall of St Marys Fire Service Station is fading and a new design is required. The selected artist or designer will work to a brief in partnership with BHMS to realise the final design.

A spokesperson said: “We are looking for an eye-catching piece that will reflect the vibrancy of the local community.”

The opportunity is aimed at students and emerging artists, this is reflected in the fee, but other artists are not excluded. A fee of £850 will be paid for the shortlisted artist and is in line with both A-N and The Arts Union England.

The permanent art piece will be printed on vinyl with the dimensions Height 2570mm x Width 6270mm and located at St Marys Fire Station. Applications are encouraged from artists of black heritage or a connection to the Windrush Generation.

To register your interest as an artist, email a short bio of you and your work and a selection of images of your style or a link to your work with the Subject Heading: “Windrush Mural” to

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