The Scottish government unveiled its own Housing (Scotland) Bill last week with plans to introduce long-term rent controls and give tenants stronger eviction protections as well as new rights to keep pets and decorate homes.

Rent reforms are also on the way in England to scrap no-fault evictions.

However, the Renters Reform Bill has been long-delayed following opposition from Conservative MPs and last week it was revealed that many of the bill’s measures are set to be “watered down”.

Hoggins’ own experience of eviction has convinced him that no-fault evictions need to be consigned to the past.

He kept a journal to chronicle how his eviction was affecting his life between receiving the notice and when he was finally forced out of his home.

Christopher Hoggins Roof-less eviction art book
Hoggins would like to see Section 21 evictions banned for good. Image: Christopher Hoggins

This then formed the backbone of his artbook when he was able to work on the project.

“Putting the book together was quite traumatic in places,” said Hoggins. “I’d made a few notes and I keep a daily journal and I’m always drawing but I didn’t feel comfortable making a proper start until I felt ’safe’.

Christopher Hoggins Roof-less eviction art book
The cost of living crisis and sky-high rents is leaving thousands of renters like Hoggins at risk of eviction. Image: Christopher Hoggins

“Some of the pictures are incredibly dark and I tried to balance them out with light ones so I didn’t lose the plot. I walked away and came back a few times.

“It didn’t help that my mother and a close friend died in the middle of this but that’s half the point, evictions don’t stop because you’ve had enough, they don’t take sick breaks, the process grinds on regardless of your health, feelings and state of mind.”

Christopher Hoggins Roof-less eviction art book
Roof-less is available to buy now on Etsy. Image: Christopher Hoggins

Roof-less: The Housing Crisis in Words and Pictures is available to buy now on Etsy for £15.

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