- A Pokemon fan created some impressive fan art by mashing up bird-like Pokemon with Angry Birds, showing their creativity and talent.
- Through mashups between Pokemon like Galarian Articuno and Dodrio with Angry Birds, the artist captures iconic features effectively.
- The Pokemon community continues to produce unique and creative artwork, constantly fusing Pokemon with other creatures to create impressive fan art.
A talented artist and Pokemon fan recently redesigned several bird-like Pokemon, turning them into the classic cast of Angry Birds. The makeover that this Pokemon fan gave the birds combined several iconic features from both the Pokemon and the birds from Angry Birds being mashed-up.
Pokemon fans have often been known to create some fantastic fan art of the series. Whether they are designing new and original Pokemon or combining the designs of current Pokemon, there are always interesting pieces of art coming from the community. This extends beyond just the world of Pokemon, as several fans have noticed similarities between the Pocket Monsters and creatures in other franchises.

Pokemon GO Fan Makes Real-Life Version of Combee Bag
A talented Pokemon GO fan online creates a real-life version of the Combee Bag, which was added to the game earlier this year.
Reddit user Nervous-Drawer4681, also known as Joshuarts03, went on to do just that. The artist drew up some doodles combining several bird-themed Pokemon with the iconic birds from the Angry Birds series. The drawing showed mashups between the Pokemon Galarian Articuno, Dodrio, Sirfetch’d, Squawkabilliy, Toucannon, and Cramorant with some of the original birds from Angry Birds. The artist did a great job of capturing the defining features of the Pokemon while also combining them with the shape and designs of the Angry Birds’ birds to create easily recognizable doodles.
Talented Artist and Pokemon Fan Mashes Up Bird Pokemon with Angry Birds
The drawings were so well done that several other Reddit users praised the original artists’ work on the drawiings. A few Reddit users mentioned how the crossover between Angry Birds and Pokemon is so perfect, as there are several Pokemon that are almost identical to the birds from Angry Birds. Despite the doodles lacking any color, the similarities between the Pokemon and Angry Birds‘ birds are extremely clear, and the artist managed to capture the iconic features of all the birds in a very effective way. This is especially seen in the Dodrio mash up with The Blues, as Dodrio is known for having three heads and The Blues are known for being a triplet of birds.
While incredible fan art like this is a relatively common occurrence in the Pokemon community, it is still always exciting to see the new designs that fans create. The community is full of unique and interesting ideas, especially when it comes to fusing Pokemon together with other Pokemon or creatures from a different franchise. With plenty of Pokemon to work with, and the seemingly endless options for the artists, Pokemon fans are guaranteed to continue seeing impressive and creative artwork like these Pokemon with Angry Birds makeovers.

Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, Pokemon spans games, television, films, manga, merchandise, music, and more.
- Created by
- Satoshi Tajiri