An exhibition of paintings will examine musical terminology and look for the association between visual art and music.

Ringstead Village Hall is holding the event by artist Barbara King starting on Thursday, August 22 to Monday, 26 from 10am-4pm.

She is putting on the exhibition to explore the potential benefits of bringing together poetry, painting, and musical terms to enhance the experience of the visitor.

One of Barbara King's paintingsOne of Barbara King's paintings
One of Barbara King’s paintings

A concerto of paintings set out in movements, including a red hot ‘tango’ of Valerian and a ‘crescendo’ of Rosebay Willowherb full of ‘bravura’ with undertones of creeping thistle.

There will also be ‘major’ and ‘minor’ harmonic landscapes, ‘nocturnes’ a firework suite, and ‘symphonic’ abstracted patterned reflections on water.

There will also be some new experimental works using the musical definition, along with ‘etudes’ from sketchbooks, showing the initial ideas for the paintings and poetry by Michael King.

Barbara hopes that this will be an exhibition with a difference which should be “entertaining and thought-provoking”.

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