Partly hosted in the Wallingford Town Hall as well as other spaces in town, guests could see local talent in the form of textiles, paintings and sculpture. 

The showcase from May 18 to 27 featured artists such as Anna Tomaszewska who created an impressive textile tapestry entitled “It”. 

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In the Coach House, guests could see Christine Bass’ acrylic landscapes inspired by the Ridgeway and Chiltern Hills, statement necklaces and earrings from contemporary jeweller Kate Wilkinson and gouache and pen works from record cover designer Sophie Bass. 

The showcase also included the Wallingford and District Art Club’s summer show at Centre 70 with paintings by 20 members including award-winner Gavin Peacock and Mark Wood – who also had figurative work on display. 

Leading local artist studio Ayres House Studios and St Peter’s Church were some of the other local spaces to feature in the art extravaganza with a CommuniTree Art Project as the church highlighting how everyone could be an artist. 

As part of Oxfordshire ArtWeeks, more than a thousand artists, makers and designers exhibited and demonstrate in artists’ studios, pop-up galleries, glorious gardens, ancient churches, Oxford Colleges and hundreds of other interesting venues across the county. 

The events across 400 venues are set to finish on Bank Holiday Monday. 





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