Malia RIggs

Elmore Autauga News

The Autauga Prattville Public Library received a makeover to their walls recently from local artist Bob Adams, who has been an artist in the River Region for over 30 years.

Adams has been an artist ever since he could remember as a young kid. Adams referred paintings to the likes of puzzles, having to figure out the correct size, the small details and how they all fit together for one cohesive piece.

“I’ve been painting in Montgomery on Dexter Avenue and here in Autauga County in Prattville for about 35 years.  I did murals on Dexter Avenue in downtown Montgomery for a long time and had my own studio,” Adams said.

The paintings are from local spots that Adam frequents around the River Region, and many of the paintings surround Autauga Creek. Adams started painting the regulars in the library and his favorite coffee shops in the area.

“This one is about a half a mile down Autauga Creek, it sort of reminded me of Tom Sawyer, or you know, just as kids. It just looked like fun. They used to have trees that hung out over the river, and the kids would tie a rope on them, and they’d swing out like this, and you had to land way over there. Because that was only where the water was deep enough,” Adams said, referring to one of his paintings.  

Interim Library Directory Tammy Bear stated that she loves his artwork and loves that Adams can find the beauty in just about anything he looks at. Bear’s office was filled with artworks from Adams.

When painting Adams stated his preferred medium is acrylic painting as the composition is established quickly, with Adams’s expertise. When painting with acrylic on a large scale such as the paintings in the library, it took Adams about a week or two to finish one painting.

The new large paintings on the library walls sit to the back left of the library where Adam’s works can be admired by all.

“It’s fun to come here and draw or in the Prevail Union coffee shop or the West Main coffee shop because people sit for a long time. It’s fun to come here and practice drawing. I just go around and primarily draw people in the vicinity. So, people come to the library and see it,” Adams said.

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