‘It begins with a moment, a holiday, a walk and the feeling that it evokes. The landscape that surrounds us has a direct effect on our emotions and so can a painting.”

We love this sweeping painting of Brea Hill (Cornish: Bre, meaning hill), pronounced ‘Bray Hill’, a round hill beside the River Camel estuary in north Cornwall by Kingsclere artist Jonathan Freestone..

In the Shadow of Brea Hill, Jonathan FreestoneIn the Shadow of Brea Hill, Jonathan Freestone
In the Shadow of Brea Hill, Jonathan Freestone

Jonathan has an interesting new exhibition – Horizons – in the New Era Theatre Foyer, Wash Common, opening on Friday (February 21) and running to April 14.

The open evening will be from 7pm-9pm, but if you miss it, you have the opportunity to meet him at his Meet the Artist over coffee, on the Saturday mornings March 1 and 22 (10.30am-12noon).

Jonathan is based in Kingsclere and trained at both Bournemouth College of Art and Edinburgh College of Art.

His work focusses primarily on the landscapes he experiences. He says: “I paint directly onto plywood; building up textural layers of paint using both brushes and palette knives to create a sense of depth, feeling and movement.”

The work he produces is representative of his experiences and memories; capturing a moment of a particular walk, holiday or the beauty held within his daily commute.

He will often revisit a place or scene on multiple occasions to explore the changes brought about by a new season or time of day.

Jonathan FreestoneJonathan Freestone
Jonathan Freestone

In the meantime, visit https://www.jonathanfreestoneartist.com/ to view more of Jonathan’s work.

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