The art world has been left scratching its head by a 150-year-old painting that appears to have a “time travelling” woman using a mobile phone on it.

From the 1860s, a strange detail from the image – The Expected One by Ferdinand George Waldmüller – sees a woman seemingly totally engrossed in her smartphone.

The woman walks, seemingly disconnected from the world around her, as a man crouches clutching a flower in the foreground.

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She walks in the sun while he kneels in the shade, the painting perhaps seen from his eyes – the unrequited lover invisible to the one true object of their heart.

The Expected One by Ferdinand George Waldmüller(Image: Hajotthu / Wikimedia Commons)

The image first rose to internet stardom in 2017 while it hung at the Neue Pinakothek Museum in Munich, Germany, with people joking she was ignoring the bloke because she was probably swiping on Tinder.

Not the case though, of course, with the woman actually thought to be focusing deeply on her hymn book, her devotion to God far greater than the mortal man and his Earthly desires.

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