The opening of the Frieze New York art fair this week brought six-figure sales and a bunch of celebrities. But whereas last year’s Frieze New York saw the sale of a $2.5 million Jack Whitten painting, no gallery reported any transaction quite so sizable this time around.

Once again, Hauser & Wirth and White Cube, two blue-chip operations with galleries across multiple operations, were among those who reported big sales. (Because sales of artworks at fairs are self-reported by galleries, they are difficult to independently verify.) Still, a range of mid-size operations spoke of moving works at lower price points.

The Seoul-based Kukje Gallery sold all of its paper collage works by Haegue Yang, with prices ranging from €27,000 to €42,000. Tif Sigfrids from Athens, Georgia, sold all of the paintings at its booth by artist Hasani Sahlehe. Each Sahlehe work sold for between $15,000 and $20,000; the Georgia Museum of Art acquired one of them. Stephen Friedman reported selling all of its wall-based sculptures by British artist Holly Hendry, selling for prices ranging from £6,500 to £15,000.

Against the backdrop of these purchases, celebrities from all sectors came to the fair. Musician David Byrne, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, Chelsea Clinton, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, and the singer Kesha visited Frieze New York on its preview day, according to a fair representative.

Collectors were also in attendance, among them Agnes Gund, Marieluise Hessel, Gael Neeson, Marty Eisenberg, Michael and Susan Hort, and Shelley Fox Aarons and Philip Aarons. And curators were, too: Studio Museum in Harlem director and chief curator Thelma Golden, High Line curator Cecilia Alemani, New Museum deputy director Isolde Brielmaier, Sharjah Art Foundation director Hoor Al Qasimi, and more were on hand.

Below, a look at five of the biggest sales reported by galleries showing at Frieze New York this week.

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