Jazzmyn Benitez, 34, lives in Midland with their dog, Finnley, a two-and-a-half year old Pit mix, and cat, Dan, a 14-year-old Torti Shell.

Jazzmyn was born and raised in Orange County, California, Fullerton. They are a graduate of Sunny Hills High School and earned an associate’s degree in graphic design from Independence University, an online school.  

How long have you lived in Midland and what brought you here? I moved here in 2010, about 14 years now. Moved here mostly for a change of pace and I knew some people here. Ultimately, I found my community and I really grew into my adulthood here. I also love the seasons, hard to go back to California. It’s so busy there. I’ve learned to appreciate how to slow down.  

What is your profession and why? My day job is I’m the operations director for Live Oak Coffeehouse and I also have my own business, Enjoy Life Art, where I do murals and create custom paintings for people’s homes. I do teach private classes, mostly for children, teaching them how to paint, and work through their emotions. It generally turns into a dance party. Shoot me an email to enjoylifejzb@gmail.com. My website is www.enjoylifejzb.com. I really like the connection between both of my jobs. With Live Oak, it’s very personal, interpersonal style communication, the coffee comes second. The motto there is “Like Coffee, Love People. “

For my art business, I started in graphic design because I think I was afraid to make the leap to just be an artist. Live Oak pays the bills, which is great, and it gives me the opportunity to create and bring people’s visions to life. My hope with my art, whether it’s for murals or my canvas work, is to bring a sense of wonder and inspiration to its viewers.

What are some of your interests and hobbies? I play the guitar in my off time. I also own “Blue Light” which is a music venue in the Ashman Plaza. I reopened it in 2021. Music is a big portion of my hobbies/passions. The purpose of Blue Light is to give musicians a launching pad and a space to work out their craft. I work with the (Midland Area) Community Foundation a lot, through Public Arts Midland, Art Seen, and also the Cultural Awareness Coalition. I say yes to a lot of things that have to do with our community. I also walk around Barstow Woods with my dog.

What are your favorite things to do in Midland? I like the things that Creative 360 puts on, their different shows and art galleries. I really just like to take in the scenery of Midland. I didn’t grow up with this much nature. I like to just be outside, as much as I can.

What do you enjoy about living here? I think Midland is really unique in how much everybody wants the best for everybody else. Midland’s vision statement of “Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional place where everyone thrives,” I believe it’s true. I think the work through the community foundation, Arc of Midland, and other places trying to uplift our community is really unique, including Breaking Bread Village. In a world that’s having a hard time to come to the table, Midland is going in the right direction.  

What is a message you’d like to give the community? I challenge people to bravely and authentically be themselves while being kind and considerate of other people who are doing the same.

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