Posted on: 14 November 2023

As well as an online auction, the ‘Essence of Student Life’ exhibition will run daily from November 14th to 17th in the Exam Hall in Trinity College with artist walkthrough sessions and other activities happening daily.

Three people, all artists,  posing(pictured in main image are Salvatore of Lucan, Frances Leogue and Zsolt Basti)

Art works by 19 contemporary artists about student life have gone on display at Trinity College Dublin to celebrate the Trinity Access Programme’s (TAP) 30th birthday.

All pieces (which are being auctioned by De Veres and can be viewed here) are being sold to support TAP, which for three decades has been helping students from socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds progress to higher education. Over 3,000 undergraduate students have entered Trinity through TAP entry routes while more than 16,000 primary and secondary students participate in TAP outreach programmes annually. TAP collaborates with 70 Irish schools, particularly those with low progression rates to third-level education.  

The ‘Essence of Student Life’ exhibition will also run daily from November 14th to 17th in the Exam Hall in Trinity College with artist walkthrough sessions and other activities happening daily. 

The participating artists are Aisling Drennan, Alastair Keady, Brenda Aherne and Helen Delany (Electronic Sheep), Carl Hickey, Eamon Colman, Eileen O’Sullivan, Frances Leogue, Fraser Holden, Hazel O’Sullivan, John O’Donnell, Jordan Cassidy (pictured below), Lee Welch, Paul Hallahan, Peter Rowen, Polina Kozka, Salvatore of Lucan, Serena Caulfield, Vivienne Roche and Zsolt Basti. 

Artist poses beside artwork

Wendy Crampton, Director of Trinity Access, said: 

“This exhibition is dedicated to all TAP students who, over the past 30 years, have made our university a more diverse and richer place. Through art, we want to celebrate the journey of students from all walks of life. This exhibition highlights the talent of the artists who have generously donated their works. It showcases our diverse community on campus through exceptional contemporary art and explores the essence of student life.” 

Artist Paul Hallahan said:  

‘’The unique quality of light within Trinity’s campus guided my decisions, aiming to portray the light in this walled garden within the bustling city.’’ 

Fraser Holden said:  

“This piece is about the issues we had in the nineties that are as relevant to today’s students. Going through college is a challenging time. Thousands of ideas are going through your head; the decisions you make now could define the rest of your life. And while this happens the one thing that stands against you is time. Finding time to study, socialise, emotionally grow and make the right decision for your future; it’s the one time in your life when you decide your destiny on so many levels “ 

Salvatore of Lucan, Winner of the Zurich Portrait Prize, 2021, said:  

‘’Through my paintings, I attempt to communicate clearly a sense of the world I inhabit that is both tangible, emotional and humorous. Exploring home, identity and relationships, I try to create expansive domestic scenes where realism meets the uncanny, and the familiar broaches the magical.’’ 


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