The chain-smoking Yorkshireman, Britain’s greatest living artist, gave an ebullient interview before he turned 86,. speaking with Melvyn Bragg on Sky Arts

Hockney and Melvyn Bragg(Justin Sutcliffe)

As bright and vibrant as the pop art he creates, 86-year-old David Hockney has vowed to carry on painting into his nineties.

The chain-smoking Yorkshireman, Britain’s greatest living artist, gave an ebullient interview before he turned 86 on July 9, telling Melvyn Bragg on Sky Arts: “I’m 85 now. Maybe I’ve got six years. I don’t know. Like Picasso. I mean I walk slower, I have a bit of difficulty moving around. But that’s not affecting my hand, my eye and my heart.”

Born in Bradford, West Yorks and crossing the border to live in Bridlington, East Yorks, Hockney is famous for his Yorkshire landscapes. For many years he divided his time between his home county and Los Angeles, where the bright sunshine set the scene for some of his greatest works such as The Splash and A Bigger Splash, featuring pool scenes.

But now he lives in Normandy, France, where he enjoys the quiet. He says: “Normandy is okay for me now. I mean, it’s a bit like Yorkshire. It is very green. There’s not many people living there… lots of fields. I don’t go out much in Normandy. But I didn’t really go out much in LA. I stopped going to restaurants before the smoking ban because of the noise… I’m going seriously deaf.”

David with A Bigger Splash(Getty Images)

Hockney is still a prolific painter, recently making headlines with a portrait of pop star Harry Styles. But he has experimented with other media – drawing, printmaking, watercolour, photography, collage. He has also created artwork on a fax machine and iPads and iPhones.

Earlier this year Hockney created a new show in London’s Kings Cross area called Bigger & Closer (not smaller & further away) in which his work is projected on the four huge walls around the viewers. He thinks the idea could revolutionise cinema.

He tells Bragg: “From Kings Cross [new show] I have worked out how we could do operas. There is one opera 45 minutes long. L’enfant et les sortilèges by Ravel. And I’ve already seen how it could be staged in one of these things, but you need the singers and an orchestra of course.

Hockney paints Harry Styles(© David Hockney)

“Having worked on this now in a big grey big space I’m realising what you can do. I’m hoping there will be some young people going to see this who will realise how you could do films differently. With four walls not just one. And I’m sure you can, but it will take a bit of working out but I hope somebody will do that. I might be able to do it but maybe not.”

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