Award winning artist Becca Barron has a passion for art which blossomed as a youngster when, following in her nana’s footsteps, she gravitated towards all things creative, especially drawing.
‘My nana certainly was a huge inspiration to me growing up, as she was exceptionally talented at drawing and would be delighted when she saw my work, which made me want to continue drawing,’ Becca says.
Becca went on to gain a Fine Art degree at Leeds Arts University where she learned to develop technical skills and had the freedom to try different mediums and projects, and exhibit in Leeds, Manchester, and London. ‘I was intrigued how artists make a living and was surprised how many opportunities were out there for upcoming artists. I learnt everything from putting on a professional exhibition, from marketing to logistics, from hospitality and networking to collaborating, and how to talk about my work confidently.
‘My pet portraits started as a hobby throughout college and university, to earn some extra money. After selling my first original at the age of 15, I started drawing pets for family and friends, which eventually brought about commissions through word of mouth and the help of social media.’
Becca Barron at work. PHOTO: Emily Rothery
Becca left university just as the country went into Covid lockdown, but set about building her business. Alongside pet portraits she began to establish herself as a wildlife artist, carefully working from photographs and choosing to create her detailed portraits in coloured pencils.
‘Using the best quality coloured pencils allows for accuracy and depth through the control of detail,’ she adds. ‘I enjoy the process of building up layers to create fur textures through very delicately placed pencil strokes. I strive to bring the subject to life on the paper through intricate techniques, patience, and precision. I consider my work to be a balance between photorealism and a classic drawing style – it’s important to me that my work holds an element of photorealism but can still be recognised as a coloured pencil drawing.
‘In my pet portraiture I aim to capture individual characters and make each one personal and memorable.’
Becca, who won both the ‘Highly Commended Award’ and the ‘People’s Choice Award’ for the UK Coloured Pencil Society Open Exhibition 2022, mainly creates portraits of pets but is slowly building her reputation as a wildlife artist.
Becca in her studio with Bella. PHOTO: Emily Rothery
Living in Hoghton she needs look no further than the surrounding countryside for inspiration. ‘The field at the back of our garden is always full of cows, sheep, pheasants, and roe deer. We’re also frequently visited by squirrels, hedgehogs, and the occasional barn owl.
‘The majority of my commissions come from the UK, Australia and America, but I teach people form all over the world on platforms such as Patreon and You Tube, which give me unlimited exposure to a wider audience.’
Having been on Patreon for a number of years, Becca shares her knowledge and passion though a range of monthly tutorials, art business guidance and one-to-one critiques to enable fellow artists to turn their hobby into a career.
‘I thoroughly enjoy teaching like-minded artists the complexity of using coloured pencils, using everything I have learned over the years to help take their drawings to the next level. Seeing how much their artwork can advance in just a few months is so rewarding.’
Becca is at her happiest when immersed in drawing in her art studio with Bella her beloved cockapoo curled up at her feet. Her current project which she has named the ‘British Wildlife Collection’ consists of original drawings of local wildlife and farm animals which so far includes harvest mice, sheep, badgers, highland cattle and more. She has also delved into children’s book illustrations, is growing her online shop and aspires to continue to grow an online community for like-minded artists. Other plans include starting her own podcast and exhibiting in more galleries.
Becca’s work is now focussing on British wildlife. PHOTO: Emily Rothery