Paintbrushes are reliable tools that help artists bring their vision to life. But for all their usefulness, they rarely get a chance to shine. French artist Julien Durix seems to have found a clever way to honor this timeless tool—by making it part of his art. Mixing painting with a sculptural element, his depictions of pop culture characters are all displayed within a brushstroke. But rather than being pushed aside after fulfilling its role, these giant brushes remain above the painting itself as part of the composition.

Durix’s sculptural paintings are visually effective with the massive paintbrush overhead, but the paintings themselves are equally alluring, even if they were on a regular canvas. His larger-than-life surreal portraits of geishas marry a hyperrealistic depiction of these women with the vibrancy of an unkempt-on-purpose background with dripping paint. Together, these elements evoke the feeling that what begins as a series of messy lines can become something beautiful, relatable, and with meaning.

His geisha portraits are part of a larger paintbrush series. While the subjects range from Mickey Mouse to Muhammad Ali, the common threads of this project are the massive, splattered paintbrushes that crown the canvas, and those Jackson Pollock-like lines that add movement to the piece, as though the painter had just created the artwork in a single stroke, and did so seconds ago as the paint has not dried yet.

“At only 32 years old, he demonstrates inexhaustible inspiration, a technique close to perfection and a real talent, already recognized,” Durix’s website states. “He thus establishes himself in the landscape of contemporary art as a worthy heir of Pop Art.” Having exhibited in places all over the world, including Singapore, France, Miami, Tokyo, and New York, his unique approach has touched the hearts of art lovers around the world.

To stay up to date with his creations, you can follow Durix on Instagram.

French artist Julien Durix seems to have found a clever way to honor the trusty paintbrush—by making it part of his art.

Mixing painting with a sculptural elements, his depictions of pop culture characters seem to happen within a brushstroke.

But rather than being pushed aside after fulfilling its role, these giant brushes remain atop the painting as part of the composition.

The result looks if the painter had just created the artwork in a single stroke, and did so seconds ago as the paint has not dried yet.

Julien Durix: Website | Instagram

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