We’re happy to share with you the most recent comics by Valérie Minelli. You might remember this artist from Luxembourg, who creates a wholesome series dedicated to situations in life that are relatable to the majority of people. As the illustrator shared with us during our last interview: “If I do share some very intimate (maybe sad) moments, it’s mostly because I know that someone out there feels the same way, and we can all help each other heal. Some comics also aren’t biographical, but no one will ever know which ones are and which I just made up, or got inspiration from other people.”

Scroll down to see the newest works by Valérie and to find out what we learned about the artist herself during our interview. Also, if you missed our previous posts featuring earlier comics by Mrs. Frollein, you should definitely check them out.

More info: Instagram | patreon.com | ko-fi.com

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