Boy Kills World stars Bill Skarsgård

South African content company Nthibah Pictures and video game design studio Talent Digital Art have partnered to develop an animated sci-fi fantasy series inspired by a video game featured in Nthibah Pictures’ forthcoming action-thriller film Boy Kills World.

Starring Bill Skarsgård, Boy Kills World follows a deaf man who escapes to the jungle after his family is killed, where he is trained by a mysterious mentor to enact vengeance on the murderers. The film is scheduled for release in the US later this month.

Nthibah Pictures and Talent Digital Art’s animated series is inspired by the Super Dragon Punch Force 3 video game that is featured in Boy Kills World. It follows a highly skilled yet dysfunctional team of misfits as they fight to defend their world from sentient robots, an ancient network of cultists and other intergalactic threats.

The series is created by Nthibah Pictures’ chairman Wayne Fitzjohn, with Mario Carvalhal (The Search for Wondla) attached to co-write with Talent Digital Art’s creative director Judd Fitzjohn. Wayne Fitzjohn and Nthibah Pictures’ CEO Simon Swart are producing.

Both Nthibah Pictures and Talent Digital Art are subsidiaries of the Talent10 Holdings Investment Group. Wayne Fitzjohn is founder and CEO of Talent10.

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