A school district’s annual art show is getting negative attention due to one student piece depicting a racist image.

The submission was an advertisement for a made-up product, “Monkey Premium Cereal,” that featured a picture of LeBron James. The submission for the New Hartford Central School District’s student art show was reportedly displayed.

In a statement, Superintendent Cosimo Tangorra said an investigation began after district administrators were made aware of the submission over the weekend. He said it’s “disheartening that racist work was not only created, but then overlooked and allowed to be displayed.”

He said the district promotes a welcoming environment for everyone with reviews of practices and the formation of the Educational Equity Committee, which includes representatives from across the district. He said it’s clear more work needs to be done.

“We understand that there are students, families, staff and community members who may not feel safe, accepted or welcome as a result of what transpired,” Tangorra said. “Our school community deserves access to a supportive learning environment where everyone feels respected, included and safe. We have fallen short of that goal, and we must do better.”

The district cited student privacy for not sharing details about the student or consequences they could face. The superintendent added that administrators spoke with staff members who oversaw this display, and this is being used as “a teachable moment.”

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