Laman Ismayilova

A project “Piano, Art, & Wine” has been held in the Landmark
Hotel as part of the Baku International Piano Festival,
Azernews reports.

The event participants created stunning art pieces on canvas and
ceramics while enjoying Meyseri wine.

The piano music created a wonderful atmosphere of comfort and

A team of artists from the Arts Council Azerbaijan held a
painting master class for the event participants and, using the
example of a glass of wine, showed how to capture their perceptions
and emotions in the form of an art object.

The event turned out to be vibrant, and people enjoyed the
process of communication and drawing.

Despite the fact that the participants drew the same
composition, everyone’s results were very different and interesting
thanks to the individual perception and unique atmosphere created
by the event organizers.

Arts Council Azerbaijan has been implementing the Art & Wine
project since 2012. At the Baku Piano Festival, the project has
been presented in a new format, featuring live performances of
classical music.

The Baku International Piano Festival is not only about the
magical performances of virtuosos on the piano and keyboard
instruments, it is, first of all, a luxurious atmosphere that will
inspire and enchant the most discerning music lovers and give vivid

The founder and director of the Baku Piano Festival is a
laureate of international competitions, a jazzman and pianist, and
the Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan, Shahin Novrasli.

Festival motto: May piano inspire you!

Hashtags: #bakupianofest #bakupianofestival

Detailed festival program on the website available at:

Tickets are available at:

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az,
and Milli.Az.


Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on
Twitter: @lmntypewriterrr

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