Laman Ismayilova

National Art Museum has presented a new exposition “1920-1980s
Azerbaijani painting and graphics”, Azernews

Director of the Azerbaijan National Art Museum, Shirin Malikova
welcomed the guests of the opening ceremony among whom were
Azerbaijan Culture Minister Adil Karimli, well-known cultural and
artistic figures.

In her speech, the museum director drew attention to the intense
creative searches in visual art at the beginning of the 20th

“Here, artistic experiments are represented by the works of
prominent representatives of the generation of artists of the
1920s-1940s. During those years, the exposition of Azerbaijani
graphics is made up of a series of works created by artists with a
unique handwriting in various genres and techniques, who made great
contributions to the formation of national graphic art. Albums
containing portraits, landscape sketches and paintings of Bahruz
Kangarli have been included in the exhibition for the first time,”
she said.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Artists’ Union, Farhad Khalilov said
that each of the works in the exhibition has a special
significance. He emphasized that every meeting held in the museum,
every new exhibition turns into an admirable holiday.

At the end, the guests were closely acquainted with the

A total of 157 examples of painting, graphics, sculpture and
ceramics were presented at the exposition.

The exhibition showcased ceramic figures and decorative plates
made by authors of different decades of the 20th century, created
in harmony with graphic works.

The project is interactive and viewers have the opportunity to
mark their age group and vote for the work they like using a QR

Founded in 1967, the National Carpet Museum holds more than
14,000 exhibits of the finest Azerbaijani carpets.

Initiated by eminent carpet artist Latif Karimov, the museum is
beautiful inside and out.

The museum’s new building is designed in the form of a rolled
carpet. Now, the museum hosts multiple events, including
international symposiums, conferences, and various exhibitions.

In 2019, the museum received national status for its significant
contribution to promoting Azerbaijani carpet weaving art.

In 2020, the Carpet Museum enriched its collection with a
beautiful pile of carpets purchased by the Culture Ministry at the
Sartirana Textile Show in Italy.

The 19th-century Guba carpet “Ugakh” was donated to the Carpet
Museum, while the Garabagh carpet “Chelebi” enriched the collection
of the museum’s Shusha branch.

For four years, the Carpet Museum won the Travellers’ Choice

The award proves once again that the professional activity of
the National Carpet Museum is highly appreciated by visitors from
all over the world.


Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on
Twitter: @lmntypewriterrr

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