ISLAMABAD, Jun 6 (APP):Internationally acclaimed artist, Jimmy Engineer Thursday emphasized projecting soft image of the country and inculcate positivity in people through the medium of art and culture.

He was speaking during a press briefing held here after signing of an agreement between Jimmy Engineer and Federal Ministry of Education to provide educational institutions access to the Jimmy’s artistic works.

Under the agreement, the digital prints of Jimmy’s art works will be displayed in the educational institutions so that the students can get inspiration from his works.

Speaking on the occasion, Jimmy Engineer Pakistan is a country blessed with beautiful places and great people. “I always ask people of other countries that either they have a person like Abdul Sattar Edhi”.

“Through the paintings displayed in the exhibition continued in PNCA till June 14, I have paid tribute to those people who paid relentless sacrifices for creation of this country and lost their lives before seeing this country. “If we respect sacrifices of these people; our country will be respected”, he said.

“Whenever I visit any country, I always proudly call myself a servant of Pakistan and tell everyone through my works that the people of Pakistan are great and peaceful contrary to what international media portray”, Jimmy said.

Jimmy also announced that he will be donating 700,000 canvas prints in the name of charity all over the world.

Speaking on the occasion, the Federal Secretary for Education, Mohiuddin Ahmed Wani said “Jimmy is a great artist and his paintings have gained acknowledgment worldwide”.

“Through granting copyrights of his paintings to educational institutions, Jimmy has provided an opportunity to the students to benefit from his expertise and learn the intricacies of art as well as the messages behind these inspirational works”, he said.

The federal secretary conveyed that the digital prints of the paintings of Jimmy Engineer will be displayed in the educational institutions of the capital within a month. “We want our children to get inspired from the art and paintings and exercise their skills through art as creative works helps getting away from negative thoughts”

Talking exclusively with APP, the federal secretary highlighted that the education ministry has been taking several initiatives to promote art and culture in the educational institutions of the country through establishing art galleries and conducting art exhibitions and exposure trips for students to create a positive atmosphere in the institutions.

He said that promotion of art and culture in the educational institutions is equally important as sports and technology.

On the occasion, Director General, PNCA, Muhammad Ayoub Jamali said that Jimmy’s efforts for the welfare of Pakistan and its people are commendable.

Jimmy through his innovative work introduced Pakistan in the world of art and also projected the soft image of the country internationally.

Appreciating Jimmy’s initiative of giving copyrights of his art work for the educational institutions, he said this endeavor will inculcate interest of students in art.

Besides officials of Ministry of Education and PNCA, the event was attended by a large number of students and teachers.

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