Editor’s note: This article was originally published on June 3, 2021. It has since been updated.
Children draw a million pictures, and while parents keep some of them safe, eventually they have to make tough decisions and throw some out. This sweet little girl was heartbroken to find one of her artworks in the bin and decided to confront her mom. The cute video uploaded by Good News Movement shows a small girl running into what appears the living room with a piece of paper in her hands. “I found the picture in the bin,” she tells her mother in an accusatory tone. The girl’s mother is the one taking the video. The girl then indignantly tells her mother, “I made the picture for us.” The girl’s mother apologizes, “I’m sorry.”

“It must have been an accident,” the mother tells the girl. “I thought it was something else.” She starts to tear up and looks at the state of the crumpled paper before telling her mother in a low voice that “that’s not kind.” As her mother apologizes, she continues, “And also you ripped it.” Her mother responds, “Did I? Sorry” The girl tells her mother there will be repercussions, “You’re going to be in trouble now.”

The video has gained traction on social media, with many loving the innocence and indignation of the girl while a few loved the strong British accent. “Oh, my heart…’I made this picture for us,'” wrote one Instagram user. A concerned mother replied, “This is going to start an uprising. Once kids find out what we’ve been doing we are in trouble.” Another user replied, “We’ll all be asked to produce all artwork they’ve ever created. 😱” Another user claimed it was a “rookie mistake” from the mother. “Art bin clean-up happens the day before trash collection. Take the bag out ASAP then take it to the street. Been burned too many times,” they wrote. Another user found it hilarious that the mother pretended like she didn’t know. “It’s the… “Did I???” … for me. You know you did! 😅” commented one user.

A few backed the mother, claiming it’s impossible to save all pieces of art by children. One Instagram user wasn’t too amused by the mother asking if she had thrown the paper in the bin. “If I had a dollar for every time a parent gaslit a child… 💰💰💰💰💰💰” they wrote. Another user said parents must be mindful of what children perceive as important. “That’s why u must be mindful of the importance levels of children. What’s a level 1 to an adult is a level 50 to a child. 🤗,” commented one person. Another parent argued there was a way out of it, “Never been in this situation as I have boxes full of school and artwork, and I allow the kids to choose the papers they wanna keep. 🤷🏻♀️”