This inspirational video expose by photographer Lori Sloan proves that you can pick up a camera and create art at any age. Lori’s self-narration adds to the video, making it a piece of art on its own. It just may spark a little inspiration for you as well.

Lori’s beautifully composed, high-contrast black-and-white images are stunning and filled with emotion. I believe you can see the maturity in her photos. Maybe they would not have been the same if she had taken these photos in her twenties or thirties. Art changes with maturity and not just with experience.

Challenges are a part of everyone’s life and career, so it’s nice to hear how Lori speaks about navigating through the challenges and creating a new way of seeing what she photographs and what you can create in a new environment.

Lori’s impactful images make me think about how I can look at the world differently, how I can go deeper into my own art, and hopefully, in turn, improve my photographic work.

During the pandemic, I started photographing subjects that were vivid, bright, and colorful. I think I was looking for some lightness and happiness during those dark times. But typically, I create moodier photos, photos that represent what I’m feeling at the time or an idea of what was or what the future could be. In 2024, I’m working on going deeper — back to my roots but with a more mature perspective.

As Lori mentioned, life takes twists and turns, such as a pandemic or a move to another country, but it’s how we deal with these disruptions in life and what we can create from them. I don’t think it’s ever easy, but as artists, it’s our job to find a way.

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