Rodney King is a Puyallup-based artist who focuses on Black culture through acrylic on canvas.
Seattle Refined: How long have you been creating? What mediums do you work with?
King: I have been creating for the past four years, and I work primarily with acrylic on canvas.
Can you tell us about your artistic process and how the different stages work into it?
I usually watch a lot of documentaries and podcasts and go through old Jazz books and magazines to start my process of selecting images depicting African Americans throughout the world living everyday life.
Tell us about where your inspiration for your art comes from.
My inspiration comes from the Black culture, whatever that may be — primarily focusing on Jazz, entertainment, sports and pop culture.
Do you have one piece that means more to you or is extremely special to you?
I had a piece I recently sold in which I depicted Marvin Gaye, which really meant a lot to me. I love the “What’s Going On” album, and I would listen to that album nonstop as I created that piece.
What experiences in your life have affected your art the most?
COVID. If it weren’t for the pandemic I probably never would have started painting in the first place. COVID forced me to tap into what was inherently in me. It gave me time to reconnect with my superpower.
If we want to see more of your work, where should we go to find it?
I’m currently featured at the Labour Temple in Belltown from April 10 through May 4. I also participate regularly in the West Seattle Art Walk. I can be viewed at Gallery Onyx in Pacific Place Mall, as well as Black Arts Love in Capitol Hill and Taswira Fine Arts Gallery in Pioneer Square. You can find me on social media @_kingspen on Instagram, as well.
What is next for you? Anything you’re working on right now that you’re really excited about?
I am working on a Jazz art series and you can see me in my current solo show at Labour Temple in Belltown throughout the month of April. I will also be featured on the cover art of Tacoma’s Grit City magazine April publication.
Lastly, how do you take your coffee? (We ask everyone!)
I love a Carmel macchiato with a little extra Carmel stirred.
About ‘Artist of the Week’: This city is packed with artists we love to feature weekly on Seattle Refined! If you have a local artist in mind that you would like to see featured, let us know at And if you’re wondering just what constitutes art, that’s the beauty of it; it’s up to you! See all of our past Artists of the Week in our dedicated section.