We were wondering how Ceslovas conceptualizes and creates his unique architecture made with fruits and vegetables and what is the creative process behind these incredibly realistic yet fantastical images.

“The fruits series ‘Genetically modified reality’. I started the series during a huge migration crisis in my country, continued during Covid, and finished not long after the war in Ukraine started. The period when all the stereotypes of so-called reality have been broken is still going on.

‘The logical explanation to things has always been the main pillar supporting my perception of what reality is, but continuous events that made no sense over the past few years have brought great confusion to that concept of thinking. A bunch of weird things in politics and cultural life, but there is one that stands out the most – COVID, which, to be honest, I still don’t have a clear opinion on. An illogical set of events, mixed with lies from multiple sides for political and financial purposes, lack of knowledge, and manipulation through social media. If science does not have a solid position on a matter, then words through Facebook, Twitter, and others can and will form that opinion for you. I’m not an expert on anything in this life, but I do have a curious mind, and I wonder- we can modify food, change facts of history, deny scientific facts to the point that it actually is accepted as the truth. Are we at the stage when reality for the general public can be modified? Are social media platforms the ultimate achievement of humanity as we know it, and will it eventually lead to some new artificial, scripted existence for an individual?’

Reality is like a sweet, juicy fruit that will break your teeth when you bite it, because on the inside it is made of bricks,” explained Ceslovas.

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