Laman Ismayilova

Shirvan Museum of History and Local Studies has organized an art
exhibition “Nature is crying: Save me!”, Azernews

The main purpose of the art project is to draw attention to
environmental issues and to emphasize the importance of taking
adequate steps to solve these problems.

The works of young artist Aynur Mammadzade were displayed at the
exhibition organized in Shirvan city Recreation Park.

The exhibition included 12 works in thematic, landscape and
portrait genres. The art works are in watercolor, gouache, batik
and stained glass techniques of decorative and applied art.

Note that Aynur Mammadzade works as a designer of the Shirvan
Museum of History and Local Studies. She is a graduate of the Art
Faculty of Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts.


Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on
Twitter: @lmntypewriterrr

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