Silsden in Art, featuring paintings and photographs, takes place at the town hall over the Easter weekend.

The event is being organised by representatives of Silsden’s local history and photography groups, the town hall and Not Just Hockney art project.

Colin Neville, for the organisers, says: “The exhibition will illustrate how Silsden and its surrounding countryside was portrayed by past artists, and how it is seen today.

“Connecting yesteryear to the present, it celebrates the talent of past artists and makes a link with an impressive collection of paintings and photographs created today by local people. It also highlights how the town and countryside has changed over time.”

The exhibition is being held over both floors of the town hall.

Downstairs there will be paintings, photographs and other artwork – by past, locally-based artists – depicting Silsden scenes.

The pieces, mostly loaned by residents, include paintings by Hildred Harpin and Joseph West.

Also, Bradford Museums and Galleries is loaning three West works.

Mr Neville adds: “There will be information boards too about past successful Silsden-born artists, including Augustus Spencer, Jack Clarkson, Doris Schrecker and the cartoonist Barry Throup. And as film and cinema is an art form, there will be a display about the long-gone Silsden ‘Picture Palace’, which until the late 1950s was a very popular venue and source of entertainment for thousands of residents.

“In the first-floor ballroom, there will be over 50 paintings – plus more than 100 photographs – of Silsden scenes, by present-day artists of all ages and abilities; many of these artworks are for sale. We will also have demonstrations by local artists throughout the Saturday, and a cafe. And a new book – Silsden in Art – will be on sale, with profits from sales going to the town hall.

“There will be a marvellous selection of artwork on show, and the photographs and paintings will illustrate in a very visual way the pride local people have in their town, community and countryside.”

The exhibition is open from 9.30am to 4pm on Saturday, March 30, and from 2pm-4pm on Easter Sunday, March 31.

Admission is free, but donations will be welcome towards the upkeep of the community-managed town hall.

Organisers have also launched a puzzle trail, in which children search for artists’ items placed in 12 shop windows in Kirkgate

and Briggate.

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