Most recent photo you took: I just took a photo of a cucumber that caught on fire and no joke, my kitchen just nearly burnt down. I have a feeling I’m going to get evicted from my apartment once they see the damage.

How you first became interested in photography: I started taking photos while on tour with the band I was in, then when I moved to New York, everything around me was really interesting, and that’s when I got obsessed with taking photos of my friends and the things I was seeing. I ended up getting a job at A studio in New York, and that got me interested in the commercial photography world. And now it’s a job, which is a blessing and a curse.

Biggest influence: My friends. Musicians. America. William Eggleston, Ed Templeton, Daniel Arnold.

Favourite photography series/book: I just got the new Ed Templeton Book, Wires Crossed, and it has to be one of the best photography books I’ve ever seen. My friend also gave me this book called We Got Power which has photos from the hardcore and punk scene in southern California in the 1980s – it’s really great.

Current project/s: No projects at the moment as I’m saving up to go move back to the USA. That’s my project right now.

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