Oliver Jeffers: We’re doing one of my favourite things. Drawing!

Everything I do starts with drawing even if it turns out to be a painting.

So drawing means putting down lines and marks that make a picture.

All you need is something to draw with and something to draw on.

Sometimes it’s fun to draw something that you see in real life. Or something that you think up in your own mind.

Drawing can bring your ideas to life or can show other people how you’re feeling inside.

Did you know that human beings have been drawing for a very long time? The oldest drawings ever found were drawn thousands of years ago on the walls of caves.

Brody and Tida are doing some of their own cave drawings right now. So Brody, what are you working on?

Brody: I’m drawing animals.

Oliver Jeffers: Yeah I suppose that’s the sort of thing people would’ve drawn in caves all those years ago.

And Tida, what about you?

Tida: I’m drawing hands of the cavemen.

Oliver Jeffers: These are both looking fantastic. I’m loving the colour you’re bringing in there.

I don’t know about you guys but I love drawing, what about you?

Tida: Yeah I love drawing.

Brody: I love it.

Oliver Jeffers: So, why don’t you try some drawings of your own? I think I’m going to have a go at doing a cave drawing too.

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