The memory of the artist Amanmyrat Kurbanovich Serhenov continues to live on thanks to his talented children. And although the children have long grown up and have their own families, they continue to honor their father’s memory and introduce contemporaries not only to his artwork but also to his extraordinary destiny.

Amanmyrat Serhenov, the author of numerous minimalist style paintings, left one of his major works, “Teke Madonna”, as a legacy to his descendants. The canvas, dedicated to the artist’s mother, depicts a woman in traditional attire descending from the heavens with her son in her arms. In 2007, a reproduction of this painting adorned the cover of the magazine “World of Women”.

Guests at the memorial evening had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the original paintings and the art works of Aya Serhenova, Amanmyrat’s daughter. The well-known artist in our country, Aya regularly exhibits her paintings in galleries. She dedicated her first solo exhibition, held in 2020, to her father, from whom she inherited the talent of a creator. 

In memory of their departed parent, the two sisters – Maya and Aya Serhenova prepared a touching art performance and depicted a vivid episode from their childhood to the song “Dad, draw!”.

The central activity of the event organized by the artist’s daughters was the presentation of a memoir book titled “The Fifth”. 

Being the fifth child in the family, Amanmyrat read a lot, learned to play the guitar, but most of all, he enjoyed drawing. While working on the book, the author Maya Serhenova used entries from her father’s diary: his thoughts, stories he wrote, and the emotions he experienced. Some chapters are presented from the perspective of Amanmyrat Kurbanovich himself and therefore sound like a heartfelt conversation with a friend from whom one can draw wisdom from life experience.

In the preface, Maya Serhenova notes: “Dad was a very interesting personality, which can be understood by touching real autobiographical stories. His stories, taken from his own life, simultaneously evoke a smile and a sense of pride for this person’s attitude towards people, situations, eternal truths, and values.”

Published by the Turkmen State Publishing Service, the book will be of interest to a wide range of readers.

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