Kagoshima City Museum of Art


Eisaku Wada, Goyo Hashiguchi, Tenmin Mitsuda, Yoshiyuki Chosa, Kinosuke Ebihara, Takeji Fujishima, Paul Signac, Antoine Bourdelle et al.

“Sketching,” known as “dessin” in French and “drawing” or “sketch” in English, primarily focuses on online-based expression. These works, whether travel sketches, motif studies, spontaneous idea recordings, preliminary studies, or underdrawings for finished pieces, were often not intended for public viewing. Yet, the vivid expressions captured before these pieces became final artworks possess a unique charm and often hold significant aesthetic value.

The exhibition features human figure drawings by Washiguma Tokito, who studied Western painting basics at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts in the late Meiji period. It also includes sketches by Japanese-style painter Tenmin Mitsuda, Western-style painter Kinosuke Ebihara, and printmaker Goyo Hashiguchi, who repeatedly sketched their motifs to integrate their research findings into their creations. Landscape sketches by Takeji Fujishima and Ryuzaburo Umehara, which inspired their large oil paintings, are also on display.

Additionally, the exhibition showcases preliminary sketches for Eisaku Wada’s “Outdoor Play” (Tokyo University of the Arts collection) and Tsuguharu Foujita’s “Struggle I” (Essonne Department Council collection), drawings by sculptors Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol revealing their thought processes, and modern design sketches by metal artist Yoshiyuki Chosa. This exhibition brings together sketches from various genres from our collection, occasionally including completed works.

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