• By Ross McCrea
  • BBC News NI

Image source, Mac Innes Photography

Image caption, Charley Bell said her friends and family had been very supportive

Artistic lightning has struck twice for a talented Belfast teenager who has won first prize in the Texaco Children’s Art competition for the second year in a row.

Charley Bell, a pupil at Methodist College Belfast, won the all-island competition’s 16-18 category for her pencil portrait, Anticipation.

The award earned her €1,500 (£1,300) in prize money.

“I’m just so pleased,” she told BBC News NI.

“I don’t give myself enough credit sometimes, but with my family and friends, they definitely reinforce my abilities,” she said.

“My mum’s definitely my biggest advocate. She never stops talking about my artwork.”

Image source, Mac Innes Photography/Justin Mac Innes

Image caption, Charley said art would always be a big part of her life

Charley’s artwork has also been recognised by the competition in previous years.

In addition to winning the top prize last year, she won special merit awards in 2020 and 2021 in the 12-13 and 14-15 age categories.

“I choose art for GCSE, and that’s when I feel like I fully noticed this is what I enjoy, and this is definitely my main hobby,” she said.

“If I could go straight to being a full-time artist, I would do that.”

But Charley added that either way art was definitely “going to be a big part of my life in the future”.

Image source, Charley Bell

Image caption, Charley’s prize-winning artwork is called Anticipation

Asked about her inspiration for the piece, Charley explained: “I was looking for an image that was challenging for me.

“I like to do portrait the most, when I saw the image, her expression just jumped out at me immediately.

“Having the hands there as well just adds an extra element that I think is quite nice.”

‘Character in the face’

Charley explained how the key to her portraits is a good image: “You can’t just have a boring photo of someone smiling.

“You have to have more character in the face, it has to be more of an expression.

“I like when there’s movement in the image, even though it’s still.”

Charley is planning to save her prize money to go travelling after she finishes school to search for more artistic inspiration.

“Drawing my family and friends is nice to do as a break from all my school coursework,” she added.

While family members may be her “main source of commissions”, when asked if she charges them she replied: “Not at the moment – maybe in the future a bit more.”

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