If you haven’t studied art before or even considered a creative pursuit, the words ‘life drawing’ may be unfamiliar. Yet it’s an activity that improves hand-eye coordination and promotes relaxation not only for artists, but for anyone at any age.

Life drawing is all about sketching outlines of the human body, based on observing a live model who regularly changes poses throughout a session.  

For those interested in giving it a go, Council hosts fortnightly midweek sessions at Manly Art Gallery & Museum and Mona Vale Creative Space Gallery.  And as Manly local Lara Leonard told us, it’s the diverse community and camaraderie that’s the biggest draw card.

How long have you been drawing?

I didn’t study art at school, but when my children were toddlers, I signed up for life drawing classes and fell in love with making art. It’s mindful, peaceful, fun and if I create something that I like even better!   

What first motivated you to take up life drawing classes at MAG&AM?

Late last year I moved to the Beaches and the search was on for a local life drawing class. I can’t imagine a more beautiful location than amongst the artworks at MAG&M and from the very first class my partner and I were hooked. The models are professional, and the crowd is an eclectic one; it’s always a fantastic evening.

Why do you keep going back?

It’s a community made up of regulars – established artists and young students – and occasional casual sketchers. Regardless of skill, there are always new techniques to learn, ideas to bounce around, and other artists to watch and learn from.  Some of the regulars even meet up each week as part of a casual ‘en plein air’ group.

How would you describe the experience and benefits of life drawing?  

It’s a perfect way for beginners to pick up paper and pencil and start to sketch. No expensive materials are needed, just your eye and a willingness to have a go.  A studio full of people interested in doing the same thing is fun and beneficial for everyone; it’s a wonderful escape.

Any pearls of wisdom for wannabe life drawers?

Don’t be shy, everyone starts somewhere; just enjoy the process of putting lines on paper. When I started, I was told to draw with my left hand (I’m right-handed). I thought it was a crazy idea, but it actually helped me to focus on the model and make marks that I would otherwise have been too inhibited to make. And don’t wear white!

Anything else about the classes at MAG&M you want to tell us about?

It books up quickly, so book early to avoid missing out.  Come solo or bring a friend but don’t forget to say hello!

Life drawing sessions are held fortnightly at MAG&M on Tuesdays between 6.30 – 8.30 pm and at Mona Vale Creative Space Gallery on Wednesdays between 10 am -12 pm.

Newcomers are always welcome at both sites, with cost savings available to those who buy a Life Drawing Class Pass.  The Class Pass entitles recipients to 10 studio life drawing sessions at one or both sites for 15% less than full price and is valid for 12 months.

You can find out more on our website.

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