Holi Drawing Ideas: Check out beautiful and colourful drawings, sketches, and painting ideas based on the Holi celebration.

Holi Drawing Ideas 2024: Holi, the festival of colours, is around the corner. It is among the major festivals in India. Holi generally falls in the month of March and sees people coming together to exchange colours and burn a holy bonfire that marks the burning of all evil. During the Holi celebration, people smear each other’s faces with colours and throw water balloons at each other. Various signature dishes, such as gujiya, dahivada, and thandai, are prepared during the festivities. Every household’s children, youth, and even the elderly look forward to this particular celebration. Bollywood has immortalised this occasion, which makes everyone’s heart skip a beat.

In this article, we have provided some simple and beautiful drawing ideas for students on the theme of Holi. Students can use these ideas to create easy and beautiful drawings, paintings, and posters on Holi. 

Holi Drawing Ideas in 2024

Check the following art and drawing ideas for students on the theme of Holi. 

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#1 Simple Holi Drawings for Kids

(Source: Youtube)

(Source: Youtube)

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