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A portrait by Mahboobeh Shahnavaz.

Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer

Mahboobeh Shahnavaz, born in 1986 in Iran, has a diverse background. With a post-graduate degree in accounting, she initially pursued a career in education, teaching accounting at a technical college in Iran. She also worked in an Iranian airline company. But she felt a sense of loss: despite professional success, she says there was a void and a longing for something more fulfilling. She had harboured a passion for drawing since childhood and discovered that it was her distance from art and its relative absence in her life that led to the situation.

She yearned to reconnect with her creative side. “This longing led me to embark on a journey of self-discovery and artistic expression,” she says. “Inspired by a desire to contribute meaningfully to the United Arab Emirates, I envisioned creating a significant piece of art that would celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the country.” She then took a bold step. She acquired canvas and oil paints – it marked the beginning of her artistic endeavour. She meticulously crafted an original painting titled ‘UAE to the Future’. “The work symbolised my admiration for the UAE and my commitment to portraying its cultural essence through art,” she says.

Her journey as an artist in Dubai began four years ago, and today, she is a valued member of the art community of the Emirates. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and events and takes art classes at Dubai International Art Centre. She also recently showcased her work at World Art Dubai 2024. “It is my dedication to my calling and my profound appreciation for the support extended to artists in the UAE that have been instrumental in my success,” she says. “Through my artwork, I pay homage to the rich tapestry of UAE’s cultural heritage, while contributing my perspective to the local art scene.” Mahboobeh Shahnavaz’s story is not only a testament to the transformative power of art and what it can do when a passion is pursued, but also shows how art brings peoples together. She speaks to Gulf Today

If you loved art all the while, why did you take up accounting, education and an airlines job?

From a young age, I had a deep passion for art. I loved the way it allowed me to express myself creatively and it brought me immense joy. However, when the time came to choose a career path, I faced a practical dilemma. Despite my love of art, pursuing it as a professional career did not seem like a feasible option at that time. The opportunities in the art world appeared limited, and the financial stability it could offer was uncertain. As a talented student with strong academic abilities, particularly in mathematics, I found myself gravitating towards more conventional and secure career paths.

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This led me to study accounting, a field that promised stable job prospects and a clear career trajectory. After completing my education in accounting, I found a job in that field, which provided me with financial stability and professional growth. However, my love for art was always alive. I continued to pursue artistic endeavours in my spare time, finding solace and joy in creating art whenever I could. Eventually, I took up a job with an airline. This role brought a different kind of excitement and variety to my professional life.  It allowed me to travel, experience new cultures, and meet diverse groups of people. Each of these experiences enriched my perspective and indirectly influenced my artistic sensibilities. Although I did not pursue art as a full-time career, it continued to be an integral part of my identity and personal fulfillment.

What does the UAE art scene have which Iran doesn’t?

The UAE art scene offers abundant opportunities and stability that Iran may lack. In the UAE, artists don’t have to worry about their future prospects, as the country provides a supportive environment and numerous career paths. If I lived in the UAE, I would feel confident pursuing a career in art due to these advantages. In the UAE, artists are highly valued and respected.

What are the similarities and dissimilarities in Iranian and Arab art?

Iranian and Arab art share similarities in their use of intricate geometric patterns, calligraphy, and architectural elements. However, they differ in historical influences, with Iranian art reflecting Persian heritage and Arab art incorporating diverse regional traditions.

Can you give details about the ‘UAE to the Future’ project?

The ‘UAE to the Future’ project reflects my deep respect and love for the Emirates. Through my painting, I aim to depict the country’s journey by illustrating its past, present, and envisioned future. By incorporating these elements into a UAE map, I express my view of the nation’s remarkable progress and hopeful aspirations.

Which subjects do you like to paint?

I enjoy portrait drawing and cultural painting, as they allow me to capture expressions and traditions. I usually focus on cultural topics.

Do you like to paint European subjects?

Yes, I love painting European subjects, but haven’t found the time to do justice to them yet.

What qualities should a good artist have?

Good artists transcend technical skill; they communicate effectively, embrace creativity, show kindness, and respect. Their work is infused with love, reflecting a deep connection to their art and audience.

What are your future plans?

My future plan is to explore diverse cultural themes in my hyper-realistic paintings, blending artistry with global traditions and stories. Follow my instagram at @art_world_uae for future artwork updates!

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