Course programme (may be subject to some modification)

Drawing for Beginners: creating a strong nature feel in this classroom-taught course

Week 1 – Zentangles with a theme of nature

  • This introductory session is based around the use of zentangles, doodles, to fill the outline of a form such as a hand, a figure, an animal or an object. The idea is that once the outline is drawing the student will spend the session filling in the outline with natural patterns and forms.
  • By the end of the session you will have a finished zentangle drawing. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 paper, black pens or markers of various widths, pencil and eraser.

Week 2 – Autumnal still life with autumnal fruits

  • This is an observational drawing session in which you will make a still life drawing of a pumpkin and other autumnal fruits. It will involve learning measuring methods using the eye and pencil and an introduction to contour line drawing and tone.
  • By the end of the session you will have tackled all these elements in your still life drawing. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 3 – Perspective and foreshortening using a cardboard box

  • This session we will tackle perspective using a simple cardboard box. Building on what we have learned in the previous week regarding measuring, we will spend the session drawing a simple cardboard box from different angles, moving position a number of times.
  • By the end of the session you will have completed at least three different perspectival drawings of the same box and tackled foreshortening. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 4Pattern using a cardboard box and wrapping paper

  • This session makes use of the same cardboard box as the previous week. This time the box will be covered in patterned paper and the challenge for the session is to draw the pattern accurately as it lies across the surface of the box. This session we will only be making one drawing.
  • By the end of the session you will have combined the perspectival and foreshortening learning of the previous week with the knowledge of how to represent the pattern across the form of the box. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 5 – Copying from an old master, figure, using the grid method

  • This session we will choose an old master drawing of a seated figure to copy from, something by Raphael or Da Vinci or similar that will be sent in advance. We will copy the drawing using the grid method and by the end of the session we will have a finished copy of an old master drawing. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 6Drawing a clothed figure

  • Figure drawing is one of the staples of artistic learning and this week we will be drawing from a seated clothed figure. We will use the measuring methods used in previous weeks, as well as building on drawing of texture and pattern. Our model will sit for us, with regular breaks, and we will make a drawing of them using all these elements.
  • By the end of the session you will have tackled drawing a human figure capturing how the clothing drapes and sits on the figure. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 7 – Self portrait drawing

  • Building on what we have learned in last weeks session this week we will tackle the self portrait. The self portrait has a long art history as artists have often represented themselves when other models were not available. We will spend the session concentrating on the proportions of the face and features as well as tackling each of them representationally and by the end of the session you will have a self portrait drawing. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need a mirror, A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Week 8 – Wildflowers and leaves

  • This drawing session we will make an observational still life drawing of wildflowers and leaves. In the week before you will choose a selection of leaves and wildflowers or grasses to draw from. During the session we will study their natural forms and by the end of the session you will have tackled the scale, form and shape of these natural items. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener and your selection of leaves, grasses and flowers.

Week 9 – Copying from an Old Master, landscape

  • This drawing session we will be copying from an old master drawing of a landscape but this time we will not be using the grid method, only our hand to eye co-ordination. Examples of master landscape drawings will be provided or sent in advance to choose from and by the end of the session you will have learned some of the old master methods of drawing trees, horizons, and landscape forms. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener plus a print out of the Old Master drawing.

Week 10Page Border foliage or Ornament

  • For this session we will be making a drawing of intertwined ornament. Using A4 paper we will mark out an internal border and then plot our pattern within it. The specific methods will be sent in advance and covered during the session.
  • By the end of the session you will have learned how to use mathematical measuring to plot your border before then overdrawing the ornamental pattern. Examples will be sent in advance as well as learning resources.
  • For this session you will need A4 or A3 paper as desired, a range of pencils from HB to 4B, an eraser and pencil sharpener.

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