July 12, 2024 Dan's Papers cover art (detail) by Cat Bachman
July 12, 2024 Dan’s Papers cover art (detail) by Cat Bachman

This week’s cover showcases the delightful art of East End painter Cat Bachman. Here, she discusses the inspiration for her “Bridgehampton Beefcake” painting’s concept and title, her summer plans and more.

Cat Bachman working on a new painting
Cat Bachman working on a new paintingCourtesy Cat Bachman

A Conversation with Cat Bachman

What initially inspired the idea for this week’s cover art, “Bridgehampton Beefcake,” and how did the concept develop as you painted the scene?

The inspiration for this week’s cover of buff frogs was easy to come by. Among the not-so-toned, the beach is populated with ripped bodies and surfer dudes. Such is the case with this trio of frogs. It is obvious that they spend a lot of time bodybuilding during the week, pumping iron, squatting, sweating. Just look at those muscles, those quads, hamstrings and calves, those perfectly rounded bellies. (Six-packs be damned!)

But today, they are taking a break from the gym, enjoying the surf and sun, shooting the breeze, while proudly displaying the results of their labor. I painted each in colorful swim trunks and posed them deep in conversation, with every sentence likely beginning with “dude.”

"The Queen of Poxabogue" (acrylic, 11" x 14") and "The King of Poxabogue" (acrylic, 11" x 14") by Cat Bachman
“The Queen of Poxabogue” (acrylic, 11″ x 14″) and “The King of Poxabogue” (acrylic, 11″ x 14″) by Cat BachmanCourtesy Cat Bachman

How did you decide on the finished piece’s title, and are there any connections to Bridgehampton to be found in the painting?

I thought of the title, “Bridgehampton Beefcake,” long before I painted the image. Nostalgic photos of muscular men in the mid-20th century and even before that, flexing their muscles, often on the beach, was precisely suited for my frog characters.

To find the connection to Bridgehampton, look close. You will see, standing atop the surfboard, a seagull that bears a striking resemblance to Dan Rattiner. Always the reporter at heart, he flew into Mecox Beach to get the scoop. (Editor’s note: Rattiner, founder of Dan’s Papers, ran the media group from its iconic Bridgehampton office for many years.)

Where can your art be viewed now or later this summer?

This summer, I am devoting time to paint my muses on larger canvases. I’ve also been experimenting with abstract art and focusing on adding to my portfolio. I will have several pieces in the Southampton Artists Association Labor Day Exhibit, August 29 through September 8.

"The Lifeguard" (acrylic, 16" x 20") by Cat Bachman
“The Lifeguard” (acrylic, 16″ x 20″) by Cat BachmanCourtesy Cat Bachman

What is one artistic goal that you hope to accomplish this year?

To just be immersed in the joy of painting.

Would you like to share any closing thoughts?

As always, I’d like to thank you and Dan’s Papers for once again featuring my work on the cover.

To see more of Cat Bachman’s artwork, follow @catbachman on Instagram and check out her website catbachman.com.

July 12, 2024 Dan's Papers cover art by Cat Bachman
July 12, 2024 Dan’s Papers cover art by Cat Bachman

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